Wow, it has been a busy few weeks! Distributing nearly 200 tubs of cookie dough, finishing our home study education, helping out with my mom's recovery from major surgery and a small out patient surgery for Steve has kept our family hopping!!
We hope to finish our home study within the next couple of weeks. We have done the majority of the work and have two remaining meetings with our social worker. The first, tomorrow morning to discuss our education (the longest leg of the home study and SUCH a relief to complete!!) and the last one to make sure all our documents are in and to discuss issues specific to international adoption (hopefully we can get this done next week!!). Then our social worker writes our home study! Once this is complete, we will begin applying for grants and other fundraising projects that require submission of a completed home study.
Praise the Lord, we have met our first short term fundraising goal of paying for our home study!! THANKS TO YOU!!!!! Through our Chick-fil-a day and our cookie sale we made nearly $1,000 and the rest has come from generous donations, so THANKS!!! You will never know how eternally grateful we are for your support and prayers! I can't stress that enough. I am SO humbled by it!!
Our next big fundraiser will be a yard sale on June 15th. Portland Christian School Eastside campus has graciously and generously allowed us to use their gymnasium for this event! That way we can have it rain or shine and have a staging area and preparation place to sort and price the donations that we hope will come pouring in!!! We are trying to make this thing BIG! We have seen several adoption fundraiser sales that have raised over a thousand dollars and we hope that this one will too. Please get in touch with either of us if you have items you wish to donate. We can make arrangements to get them from you. If possible, we'd like to wait until the week of the sale because that is when we will have access to the gym and we don't have much space in our home to store stuff, but if need be we will make it happen earlier!
Lastly, I wanted to share with you about our "Just Love Coffee Roasters" store. Just Love Coffee is a company with a mission to help orphans both through helping fund adoptions and helping to prevent children from becoming orphaned. They give funds to things like clean water projects in under developed countries. They have given us the opportunity to have an internet coffee store at absolutely ZERO cost to us. All we do is tell everyone we know to buy coffee from our store and we will get a check in the mail every month based on our sales!! How incredible is that?? They have lots of great stuff so if you are like me and are not a "coffee person" go ahead and check out some of the other great stuff they have! The best part is that we can keep the store for one year after the child is in our home to help offset the continued expense of the adoption!! So go now!! Get some coffee!! Or click on the Just Love Coffee logo up to the left!
Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us! More to come soon!!